Minecraft PE
Lately the hard-working MCPE developers are paying special attention to the technical aspect of the game, fixing errors and updating certain features. This week, in Minecraft PE, they have worked on fixing more problems related to this topic as well as to other game fields.
We challenge you to explore this beta but before downloading and installing it, make sure you made a copy of your existing worlds because will replace it and you might lose everything you worked on. Also note that all the builds created in a beta (this and other, previous ones) might not be as stable as those created in full versions.
Main changes in Minecraft Bedrock
This week, the MCPE developers worked on fixing the following issues:
- Water and lava textures showing invisible if placing certain blocks near then or on top of them
- The End gateways counting the distance towards a central block incorrectly
- Plants not growing consistently enough near chunk borders
- The calculation of the chunk’s position being incorrect, this issue being noticeable when using the structure block’s preview window
- The loading of the structures affecting the ticking blocks in the chunks located nearby
- A problem affecting the Reset button
- The failure to summon certain entities with the execute command
- The problem affecting the particles that used to occur when moving to another state that also uses particles
These are the main changes brought to us by the current beta. To find out more details, we invite you to watch the video trailer below the article.
If you are ready to try the version, hit the button below the trailer, share the news with other players, and leave feedback.
Visit our website regularly and you will always be among the firsts MCPE players to try the newest game versions and to explore the coolest textures, maps, and other game-related surprises. Have a great time!