Minecraft PE
In the last several weeks we checked a number of betas bringing short lists of bugfixes and minor changes. The last one was Minecraft PE This week you will have the chance to experience something new, namely to take a sneak-peek into some exciting features planned for the future full game version. The version providing us with this chance is Minecraft PE
Before getting to the description of these features and the bugfixes, let us remind you that, even if it contains features from the future full version, this is still a beta, thus you cannot play with non-beta players and in Realms while trying it. Also remember to back up your existing worlds before installing it in order to avoid losing them.
What's new in Minecraft Bedrock
Are you ready to find out what the above-mentioned features are about? If you are, let’s get going!
- Experimental Features. This option allows the players to find out what possible features are planned for future updates. Please don’t forget that this is still an experimental option, thus some of these features might not be available in all the upcoming beta versions. Also, note that some of the builds created in beta versions like the one presented today might not be compatible with other betas due to their experimental nature, so we recommend you to always make copies of the builds you want to access in the future.
- A new mob: the Goat! This savage creature who likes jumping and climbing on mountains can be met in extreme hills until the developers find a better location. Even if they look cute, they might present danger for players and mobs due to the fact that they feel like mountain masters and can kick off it any intruder. To meet goats in your MCPE world, you should enable the Caves and Cliffs option in the Experimental Features option described above.
- Powder Snow Block. This new block is also behind the Experimental Features Toggle. Even if it looks almost like the custom snow block, the new powder snow has an individual texture and features. Entities walking through these blocks will slow down, but if you want to walk faster, you can always use a pair of leather shoes. When pathing, goats will always avoid the new powder snow blocks.
In addition to these new interesting features, the MCPE developers also fixed a big number of crashes and bugs affecting the gameplay, the existing mobs and blocks, some commands, and the user interface. The most important ones are:
- Fixed crashes that used to occur during the gameplay and in some situation when the player uses portals and flies around in the Bedrock game world
- Fixed emote wheel that failed to support the screen reader
- Fixed several bugs affecting the player’s user interface screen. Moreover, the MCPE developers introduced an option where the reader is able to display the messages from the chat even if the text-to-speech is disabled
- Fixed a bug making double chests lose their content in case the MCPE user reloads the game
- Corrected the cocoa pods generation
- Resolved the problem making snow blocks break if the player use shovels on them
- Corrected the texture of the leggings made of netherite
- Excluded the option where the player could sneak and place twisting vines on composters
- Corrected a few errors affecting the villagers’ behavior
- Corrected the bees’ behavior when they exist their nests
- Corrected the bees’ behavior when they exist hives
- Excluded the possibility of Nether mobs to spawn on wither roses
- Corrected the Zombified piglins’ textures
- Removed the problem making the focus indicator disappear when the user hovers over tabs
Dear Minecraft PE users, to find out more details about the present beta update, we recommend you to watch the video trailer below and if you are curious to discover them all, hurry and hit the download button.
Please be generous and tell other players about the release, and let us know what you think about it by leaving feedback.
Follow our website and you will always find out about the freshest game updates among the first. In addition, you will discover many free textures, mods and other game-related surprises. Enjoy your time!
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