Minecraft PE
If you are an active MCPE player and reader of our website’s articles, you couldn’t have missed the apparition of goats in the game. These animals are wild, can be quite dangerous, but are very interesting to monitor. They have very unusual and funny behavior. Anyway, the MCPE developers decided to update it and fix some of its aspects so it would make more sense. You will learn about all this in Minecraft PE
Before getting to the part about the goats, we must also tell you about several fixes that are not related to these mobs.
Fixes in Minecraft Bedrock
In this update, you will see that the following issues have been resolved:
- Loading screen tip messages being outdated
- Weird behavior of parrots when flying
- Zombie villagers not spawning into their V2 variants after being cured
- Impossibility to give custom names and identify to horses and their zombie and skeleton variants, as well as to donkeys
- Failure to obtain placeable blocks after you mine crimson hyphae using silk touch
- A few graphical problems affecting the fishes and the rendering of maps over things that can be seen through
- Powdered snow failing to show animations when you mine them and not looking as full blocks when looked at from above
And now, it’s time to find out about the goats!
Behavior of goats:
You will notice some modifications done in relation to their jumping processes:
- From now on, goats don’t jump on magma blocks, can be attacked normally after they jump, do not jump too far from their target points, do not jump high unexpectedly, jump on flat planes but not as often as before, do not jump from honey, can jump over more full blocks, and the baby goats can jump too, but not as high and far as the adult ones.
Their ramming attacks have been subject to some modifications too. From this moment, the goats:
- Do not set ram targets towards objects that are behind an obstacle, are not interested in attacking armor stands, are not attacked by creepers even if they are the ones who attack first, do not overlook motionless players when planning to ram, knockback their victims from a short distance (comparing to the distance set before) and the power of their attack is stronger if they are quicker, their targets being thrown high in the air, and try a perfect ram position before attacking. When attacking, they do not get stopped by grass and flowers. The good thing is that you can partially protect yourself from their attacks by holding a shield.
The breeding and baby goat-spawning processes were also slightly modified:
- Now they do not face problems when pathing to one another in order to breed. They will be able to spawn only one baby goat at a time and these babies have similar behavior to the adult ones, but they do not jump as far and high and their attacks are not that powerful.
In addition to all this, there are a few more things that you should know about goats:
- Their spawn eggs have other colors now, if on a leash they follow players as they should, and cannot drop more than two horns.
There was also a serious problem regarding goats. They used to crash the game if killed by shulkers, but happily, the MCPE developers succeeded in removing this issue.
Dear MCPE fans, if you want to try this awesome beta and see all the above-mentioned modifications with your own eyes, use the free download button below and have fun.
If you are happy about this release, share the article with other players, and leave feedback.
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