Minecraft PE
Your luck you have decided to visit our website today because this way you will be the first among your friends to try the newest game beta called Minecraft Bedrock This time the guys from Mojang Studios carried out a number of technical updates and bug fixes, but they also paid special attention to the goat horns and improved them greatly.
Features of Minecraft Bedrock
First, we want to let you know what you will discover by enabling the Experimental features after installing this version.
- Better Goat Horns. You will notice that there are more sounds for the goat horns and that different goats produce different sounds. You will discover that these goat horns spawn as loot. When ramming certain blocks, for example, packed ice or stones, goats will always drop one of their horns. Rarely, goats can spawn having only a horn, but never if the goat is still a baby.
- New Copper Horns. These new horns can also be found as loot or can be crafted with an ordinary goat horn and three copper ingots. These horns make other sounds than those made by ordinary horns. Depending on what you are doing, you will hear one of the three available sounds.
Don’t forget to turn on the experimental features if you want to check the above-described horns.
Like they always do, the people working at Mojang made a number of modifications and fixes in order to resolve the problems detected since the previous release, but unfortunately, there is one that they could not solve. This is of some areas not generating if they belong to maps that have not been explored since before Minecraft Bedrock 1.18. We are convinced that this will be fixed soon, but until then it is recommendable to avoid such worlds. We also recommend you to make world copies as often as possible, but this advice is available not only for this situation but far all when you are using a beta version.
And here are the rest of the actions performed by the developers this week:
- Corrected the hunger bar that was remaining full regardless of the player’s actions in certain mash-up maps
- Corrected the way Bad Omen works
- Corrected the sounds emitted by players when they get hurt and when they die
- Made the knockback resistance reduce attacks, especially those coming from the iron golem
- Fixed the problem of certain mobs getting stuck in some purchased MCPE worlds
- Made the way thumbsticks look controllable by using a new slider called Button Size. You can find it in the settings menu.
- Fixed a UI bug affecting the dropped items
- Adjusted the contrast of certain user interface details
- Added a new Create New World screen Behavior Packs tab
If you are developing addons or/and maps, you will also discover five helpful technical updates.
And now you can download and try this cool beta, but you are always welcome to return here if you want to check many free maps, texture packs, and mods. Enjoy your time!