Minecraft for Android
Minecraft PE 1.2.0
Hurrah! The developers of the mobile version of Minecraft have released the update Minecraft PE 1.2. The game has a lot of features that you have to familiarize yourself with.
Minecraft 1.2 "Discovery Update" adds a huge number of blocks, pre-assets and elements to the game. On this page further we published the full list of changes.
Before you download Minecraft 1.2, we suggest you read the full list of changes. The link to the apk file Minecraft 1.2.0 is at the end of this article!
You can find other versions of the game in the section "Download Minecraft for Android". Also on our website you can download: mods, maps, texture packs, seeds and much more!
Minecraft 1.2 "Discovery Update" adds a huge number of blocks, pre-assets and elements to the game. On this page further we published the full list of changes.
Before you download Minecraft 1.2, we suggest you read the full list of changes. The link to the apk file Minecraft 1.2.0 is at the end of this article!
Changelog Minecraft PE 1.2
- Banners
- Jukeboxes
- Coarse dirt
- Structure Blocks
- Version exclusive: Only usable in Windows 10 Edition and have a 3D Export mode which can’t be changed.
- Armor stands
- Version exclusive Can pose without using commands
- Book and quill
- Version exclusive: Can hold two pages at the same screen
- Version exclusive: Edit button to change the words per page
- Firework star
- Firework rocket
- Version exclusive: Can be launched in any direction depending on the direction a dispenser is facing
- Music discs
- Spawn eggs
- Parrot
- Zombie villager
- Parrots
Non-mob entities
- Armor stands
- Version exclusive: Can hold tools such as swords without need of commands
- Version exclusive: Have a limited amount of poses that can be switched between by sneaking and interacting with them (right-clicking by default).
- Version exclusive: Redstone power can also change the pose
World generation
- Ravines
- Dual wielding
- You can now put a map in the off hand
- Crafting
- The crafting system now incorporates the recipe book
- The old MATTIS crafting system can still be used
- Options
- World starting preferences
- Starting Map
- Bonus Chest
- Trust Players
- Gamerule preferences
- TNT Explodes
- Natural Regeneration
- Gamerules can be toggled in the options menu
- Player permissions
- In-game server host options
- Worlds can now be set to Invite Only, Friends Only, or Friends of Friends
- Render Clouds and Fancy Leaves can now be toggled in Video Settings
- World starting preferences
- Splitscreen functionality
- In-game help guide
- How to play/tutorial screen
- New loading screens with tips
- Common swear words (in many languages, including Japanese and Chinese) are now censored by the game.
- Remix 3D export functionality (Windows 10 only)
- Underwater particles
You can find other versions of the game in the section "Download Minecraft for Android". Also on our website you can download: mods, maps, texture packs, seeds and much more!
21 October, 2019