Addon M Structures 1.13
Addon M Structures is actually a collection of thousands of useful commands that will allow you to obtain different weapons, items, mobs and to carry out different operations that cannot be done in normal gaming circumstances, for example fly when playing in survival or become invisible for an endless period of time.
How to use addon M Structures
By installing this addon, you can use commands to obtain many possibilities and things.
Possibilities available using commands:
- Flying in Survival mode
- Seeing during nighttime
- Killing all the mobs and players
- Clearing the inventory and potion effects
- Healing instantly
- Getting a lot of XP points
- Playing explosion sounds
- Playing thunder sounds
- Stopping all in-game sounds
- Turning invisible for an endless period of time
- Freezing nearby mobs
- Making items from the floor disappear
- Obtaining admin items
- Teleporting to the end of your world
- Removing blocks below you so you can get to the void
- Loading different songs and playing them
- Getting rid of hunger
Thanks to this addon, you will also be able to spawn different mobs. Some of them (sheep, cows, turtles) can be spawned in big numbers at once (up to 1000). You can also spawn baby mobs, animals with chests and saddles, and mobs riding other mobs.
Also, you can get different equipment and kits, for example, archer’s equipment, iron equipment, or a Survival starter kit.
If you need separate tools or weapons, you will find commands to obtain them too. This way, you can get shovels, pickaxes, swords, etc.
If you are planning a grand project, you can also use commands to obtain different buildings (houses, castles, etc), arenas, and trees.
To make your builds attractive and unique, the addon also brings hundreds of commands that you can use to obtain statues and paintings of the most popular cartoon and game characters, mighty dragons, etc.
Would you like to explore and try the commands provided by this addon? Hurry and hit the download button below, share the article with other MCPE users, and leave feedback.
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