Minecraft PE
In this article you will discover a lot of interesting new features and many bugfixes, most of them done to improve the work of Copper Blocks and of the Lightning Rod introduced in the game in Minecraft Bedrock You may also notice that there are many good changes in the world generation. Now the building range was expanded this giving the player more possibilities. The underground caves, structures were made to generate even deeper below the ground level (down to layer y-64). This sounds like an interesting game update to explore, doesn’t it? Read the entire article about Minecraft Bedrock to find out even more information.
Blocks in Minecraft Bedrock
We already revealed one of the most important features of this version (about the world generation), but the MCPE developers have more surprises for us. They implemented a big number of new blocks, vegetation, cool glowing berries, and more that are meant to generate in a new kind of caves called Lush caves. Even if these caves do not generate in the gaming world for now, we can admire and interact with their features by enabling the Experimental Features toggle. So, by installing this release you will discover:
- Moss carpet is a new kind of vegetation looking like a carpet. It can grow anywhere, including on Moss Blocks, but only if they are fertilized by the player. If you want to dig these blocks and carpets, you will need a very strong tool and this is the Hoe.
- Cave vines. These vines look really magnificent in the caves. The player will be able to climb on them. Some of these vines can contain glowing berries. If you are lucky to see such vines, you will notice that they emit light and that the berries pop when interacting with them. If you want to make vines that do not contain berries to contain them, you can fertilize these vines. The result is not only a nice thing to admire. These glowing berries can be very useful, for example in breeding foxes or in satisfying the player’s hunger.
- Rooted dirt. This is another block that looks rather good in the caves. When bonemealed, these blocks give roots below. You will be able to turn the blocks into dirt and take the roots by using a hoe.
- Dripleaf Blocks are also very interesting. In case there is an entity on top of it, the block tilts and the entity falls from it. Initially, these blocks are small in size but they can grow if bonemealed by the player.
- Azalea, azalea leaves, flowering azalea can also be noticed in the lush caves. In case you need some fuel, these blocks are just perfect for this target.
We are sure that you can’t wait to install the new version and explore all these amazing blocks, but we will ask you to wait because we also want to share the most important bugfixes and modifications that were done with much care by the MCPE developers this week. They have successfully solved the following problems:
- Players not being able to interact with blocks if they are holding lightning rods
- Lightning rod making leaves turn opaque when placed on top of them
- Lava and water re-rendering when lightning rods are placed at their top layer
- Lightning rods connecting to fences and to walls while they shouldn’t
- Lightning rods failing to emit particles when they should, for example if there is a thunderstorm
- A bug affecting the copper block textures
- Waxed and unwaxed copper blocks using the same block ID
- All variants of copper blocks being implemented as block states and legacy item damage values instead of separate block IDs
- Impossibility to use the stonecutter for cutting waxed copper
- Copper blocks having an incorrect color on the map
- Copper stairs having an incorrect color on the map
- Copper slabs having an incorrect color on the map
- Failure to use the furnace in order to unwax copper
- Copper blocks not emitting particles when they should, for example when they are waxed by the player or in the dispenser or when they are stroke by lightning
- Text not being displayed on signs
- Impossibility to navigate to the back button using the keyboard
- Command /clear removing extra item from off-hand when removing specific items
- View bobbing continuing to work even if it is disabled
- Fog not being scaled properly with render distance
- Blocks, banners, and clouds showing on top of barriers when they shouldn’t
- Text on signs being glitched
- Drowned not swinging their arms when they should, for example when throwing a trident
- Several issues affecting the Character Creator
Dear friends, to find out even more information in regards to the carried out changes and fixes, we recommend you watch the video trailer featured below this article.
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