Minecraft PE
Even if Minecraft PE has a shorter list of changes comparing to Minecraft PE 1.17.30, it is still worth trying because, besides the traditional bug fixes and technical updates, it brings several important changes that will make your gaming world look much better than before.
Fixes in Minecraft Bedrock
During the development of this beta, the Mojang team had to fix the following issues:
- Players not being able to fly above a certain limit in beta builds
- Copper ores not generating below a certain limit and it is using a uniform distribution instead of a gaussian one
- Aiming plants with snow layers resulting in a wrong behavior
- Fossils generating in an excessive amount and breaking structures
- Dungeons not generating as intended or even failing to generate at all
- Iron golems spawning on beds, gates, fences, and other blocks that are not appropriate for spawning
- Elytra failing to open when moving upwards
- Dyed signs that contain formatted texts not overwriting the existing texts on signs
- Bee nests not generating or generating in infrequent amounts
- Mobs that can burn not avoiding fire, fire camps, and other hot places
- Crossbows held by pillagers being invisible
- Riding a mob not displaying the correct button prompt
- Skins from the Marketplace not being equipable
- Selected Character Creator skins not reflecting on the character
- A sidebar opening when expanding a skin pack in the Dressing Room
- Default clothes not changing their colors when the item’s color was modified previously
- Dressing room featured items not opening the required featured catalog
These are the fixes carried out for this version, but you will also notice that the game developers improved the cave and flat world generation to fit the new world parameters.
If you are an addon creator or/and a map maker, you will also discover a lot of helpful technical updates and fixes that will make your activity easier and more fruitful. Here are some of them:
- Fixed bug making animations restart every time the user changes the render controllers
- Made the sign texts maintain their formatting until a reset or overriding code is found (previously created signs will remain the same)
- Molang expressions with capital letters are evaluated correctly
- New compile errors for certain expressions that were previously ignored
- The GameTestFramework was updated
- Developed a new Simulated Player class that will allow the user to simulate different player activities, for example moving or interacting with something
If the description we provided is not enough for you, you can also watch the video trailer below and find out more details about this new beta.
To be up to date with all the upcoming MCPE versions, follow our website. This will also give you the possibility to check a lot of free maps, mods, and other surprises, to share them with your friends, and to enjoy your time!
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