Minecraft PE
This week the developers of the Mojang Studio team prepared a new game beta for us to explore and enjoy. Unlike Minecraft Bedrock that we talked about last week, Minecraft Bedrock contains a longer list of features, and it includes not only bug fixes but also many good changes and updates.
Changelog of Minecraft Bedrock
First, to satisfy your curiosity, we will tell you about the most important news:
- A fully updated Create New World screen and menu. The developers considered that given all the major changes performed in the last several months, this menu deserves some improvements too. The picture below displays what it looks like now.
- The removal of the Additional Modding Capabilities toggle from the Experimental Features.
- Better jumping, swimming, and tongue moving animations for the frogs
- Increased time of tadpole hatching
- Retextured frog spawns (previously known as frog eggs)
- New “hasitem” filter to allow players to target entities based on what items they are wearing and have in their inventories
- Leashable untamed wolves
- Better accuracy of damage calculations
Besides these beneficial changes, the game developers also had to fix a number of issues. We will enlist only the major ones. These were:
- Game crashing when using the dressing room, namely the zooming menu
- Players failing to remove their armor via the crafting table
- Player’s arm shaking when attempting to charge a bow from the third person
- Some villager trades not corresponding with those in the Java edition
- Top snow clipping with the block below it while falling
- Impossibility to use water/lava buckets against waterlogged blocks
- Paintings and minecarts being breakable by players with “Visitor” permission level. Normally, they should be unable to interact with any of these things.
- The texture of some blocks not loading when teleporting vertically
- Holding down the right-click while holding a usable item and ringing a bell making the bell ring only once, while it should ring over and over again
- Players being able to use elytra while riding an entity
- Mobs not seeing azalea as solid blocks
- Mobs, in particular, axolotls and fish being unable to pathfind around dripstones stalagmites, and stalactites
- Villagers and other mobs not being able to pathfind through top snow in certain scenarios
- Mobs pathfinding incorrectly on dead coral fans
- Players not being able to access villagers’ trades while holding a spawn egg
- Witches spawned in a raid despawning instantly
- Cods and salmons not spawning in certain kinds of oceans
- Villagers not showing what items they want to trade to the player
- Villagers not getting scared of zombified piglins as they should
These and other fixes can be discovered by installing this beta. If you are happy about the release, share this information with other Bedrock users, and leave feedback.
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