Minecraft PE
Our website has two main targets. These are to follow the Mojang team’s activity and inform our subscribers about the latest news done about the game, and give them the possibility to try the best Minecraft PE content for free. You can find all the available content by exploring our sections and you will definitely find something to make your gameplay more interesting. The game updates can be found in the Download MCPE section. In this article, we will tell you about the freshest beta called Minecraft PE Get ready because it is full of surprises!
New features in Minecraft Bedrock
- Allays. Now you can finally meet these helpful flying mobs. In case you didn’t know, they are the winners of Minecraft Live 2021. You can meet and interact with them starting with this moment by installing this beta and by enabling the Wild Update Experimental Features. Here are a few details about this new mob. It takes an item in its hand searches for others of the same kind. It can drop the item when it sees a Note Block but picks it back after thirty seconds. It gives the player all the items it has in its inventory. This mob usually spawns around pillager outposts and in woodland mansions. For more details about the Allay, see the article on the upcoming Minecraft PE 1.19.
- Deep Dark. This time, the MCPE developers focused on the sculk blocks. They have prepared them for the arrival of the Warden.
- Skulk Catalyst. This mysterious block starts working if a mob passes away no further than eight blocks from it. Players won’t be able to collect the mob’s xp, but instead from their place of death, a special kind of charge will travel through skulk blocks and veins and will transform ordinary stones into sculk. If two or more charges meet each other on their way, they will mix together and continue traveling decaying gradually. If the charge ends on a radius of four blocks from a sculk catalyst, it will turn into sculk shrieker or sensor.
- The Darkness Effect. This effect gets applied to the nearby players. It can be provoked by the sculk shrieker but in the future, the Warden will also have this power. When applied, the lighting and world brightness goes down and this is where you will really need torches.
- Sculk Sensor. Now, this sensor does not make the sound it made before when waterlogged and its vibrations can be blocked using woolen blocks.
As you can see, the experimental features are becoming more and more interesting to explore, but the developers did not stop here. Continue reading this article to learn about the rest of their activities in regards to this beta.
- A brand-new touch control option can be checked by mobile users. To activate it, go to the Settings menu, select Touch and after, Enable New Touch Control Schemes.
- The spawning logic of certain mobs was improved
- The FireTick game rule in its relation to fire was corrected
- The shulker can create a copy of itself when hit by specific projectiles
- The animation of picking up things by mobs was modified
- The generation of leaves on Acacias was corrected
- No creature can spawn on a Campfire now
- The generation of Glowing Lichens was corrected
- Changed the setting rules of placing Glowing Lichens, Redstone, and Torches on Brewing Stands and trapdoors
- Glowing Lichens can be placed on leaves
- Azaleas and Water Lilies do not break when flowing water interacts with them
- The bug affecting the display of the "Invite" button was fixed
- Villagers do not trade when burning
Dear friends, like we always do, we recommend you watch the clip trailer below if you want to hear more information about the new version.
At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that we have a lot of good content for you to check, including cool maps, mods, and more, so when you finish exploring the above-described update, visit us again. You are always welcome. Enjoy your time!