Addon Dragon Wing 1.16.100
Addon Dragon Wing gives us all a unique possibility to feel what it’s like to fly, but not on a plane even with elytra, but with a pair of wings just like a dragon’s ones.
How to use addon Dragon Wing
Obtaining the above-mentioned pair of wings won’t be very easy, because the required ingredients are hard to find, but we assure you that this is definitely worth a try.
Look at the picture below to see what ingredients you will need to obtain the wings and how to place them on the crafting table.
If you are playing in Creative mode, everything gets easier, because you can find the dragon wings in your player’s inventory.
Besides the ability to fly, these wings will also give you some special effects.
They will also protect you from explosions.
In the pictures below you can see your life hearts and protection level when wearing the wings and the instructions on how to use them.
Are you ready for a test flight? Hurry and hit the download button, share the article with all your friends, and leave feedback.
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