Addon Crafting Tables+ 1.16.101
Crafting tables are very often used in MCPE. With their help, we can create a large variety of blocks and items. Addon Crafting Tables+ adds more kinds of crafting tables, each of them having an individual design and being made of different materials.
Features of addon Crafting Tables+
This addon brings seven kinds of new crafting tables:
Spruce crafting tables
Acacia crafting tables
Dark oak crafting tables
Jungle crafting tables
Birch crafting tables
Crimson crafting tables
Warped crafting tables
All of the above-listed crafting tables and their grids are made of the mentioned woods. To create one in Survival, use four woods of the same type and place them in an O shape. All the crafting tables use iron tools, as always. Only the Crimson and Warped ones use netherite tools.
Example on how to craft one of the available crafting tables
In a recent update, the addon creator added two more kinds of crafting tables:
Crafting Slab which can be obtained from three custom crafting tables if crafted on a crafting table or with just one if crafted in a stonecutter.
Crafting Wall which can be obtained from three custom crafting tables if crafted on a crafting table or with just one if crafted in a stonecutter.
All of these crafting tables will help you create a lot of useful blocks and items. They can also be used to decorate your in-game houses.
If you want to try this addon, click on the download button below the article, share it with other MCPE users, and leave feedback letting us know what you think about it.
Important! To be able to use the above-described addon, you must install one of the latest game updates, Minecraft PE 1.16.101 being the earliest one suitable for it.
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