Minecraft PE
A whole week passed since the day when Minecraft PE 1.16.10 and Minecraft PE were released and now we are ready for some new game fixes and useful changes. Minecraft PE contains many features, but the big parts of them are fixes of some technical problems.
Please keep in mind that since this is not a full version, you will not be able to join your friends who don’t use betas and those playing in Realms. We also recommend you to back up your existing worlds, because this update will replace all your work in progress.
What's new in Minecraft Bedrock
By installing this beta, you will discover that the MCPE developers not only removed all the detected crashes and bugs but also improved some game-related features.
- You will see that the game no longer crashes when the MCPE player opens the shulker box after he/she re-enters into a multiplayer session
- The issue preventing Switch users from uploading their MCPE worlds to Realms was removed
- The issue that prevented the boss bar name from being modified in case the player changes its custom one was resolved
- An animation-related problem occurring when breaking bamboo trees was also fixed
- The block selection box extending over the blocks around it was corrected
- The fishing rod not being able to be cast while looking directly at a mob up-close was corrected
- A wall connection-related bug occurring on world load was fixed
- The Setting screen has more options than before now: you will discover a Noto Sans font option and a pop-up dialog box
- The achievements screen was improved and looks much better now.
- A bug affecting certain blocks in City Living was removed
- The graphics of the skybox background not being rendered properly were corrected.
Besides the changes enlisted above, there are also several fixes of some technical problems, as we told you at the beginning of the article. To find out more information on the presented beta version, watch the video trailer below.
If you want to try this update, use the free download button, share the news with all your Bedrock buddies and leave feedback to let us know what you think about it.
Visit our website regularly and you will always be up to date with the latest updates and will have the chance to try the coolest maps, mods, and other MCPE surprises for free. Have fun!