Minecraft PE
Dear players, the last two weeks the Mojang Studios team released two game versions: Minecraft Bedrock and Minecraft Bedrock 1.17.2. Even if we are happy about every game-related release, we must admit that the lists of changes brought by these two versions were quite disappointing considering their sizes and content. This week’s beta, that is Minecraft Bedrock is way more interesting to explore. Read the entire article to find out why.
Features of Minecraft Bedrock
Even if this beta does not bring any spectacular new features, it contains a lot of useful and interesting changes, including technical updates, modifications regarding the in-game sounds, and more. We will enlist the most important ones. These are:
- A lot of updates and new options for the GameTest Framework, this topic being less important for the custom players but giving more possibilities to the addon creators/map makers
- A new sound toggle called “Player” was developed. This way the players will be able to control the sounds emitted when they jump and land on blocks and when they walk on powder snow, moss, deepslate, and other blocks introduced in Minecraft Bedrock 1.17.0.
- Starting with this beta, players won’t have to use their swords numerous times in order to break bamboos. Now, this requires only one sword swing.
- There is a new tool that can prevent respawn anchors and other items from exploding and it is called Respawn Blocks Exlode gamerule
- The initial world spawn will be identical for both worlds with the experimental Caves & Cliffs toggle enabled and those with this toggle disabled
- The number of hostile mobs walking around the Nether was greatly reduced
- A new “Blocks” slider developed to give players the possibility to control the clicks played when interacting with blocks
- Players can now use dispensers to pick up powdered snow
- Redstone signals are now also conducted by target blocks
- The light level of enchanting tables is now of seven instead of twelve
- The diamond pickaxes from hoglin stables will be enchanted by default
- Baby goats won’t have horns anymore
Besides carrying out all these changes, the game developers also had a number of problems to fix. These were:
- Shulker box contents disappearing in certain situations, for example when the player dyes them
- Bees refusing to pollinate cave vines even if they are considered as berries
- Birch and Spruce leaves changing their colors depending on the biome when they shouldn’t
- New powdered snow blocks appearing when the player uses buckets with this kind of snow on filled cauldrons
- Wrong position of fallen pointed dripstone
- Command /tell not working properly when the cheats are not enabled
- Mobs despawning when being teleported to different dimensions
- Graphical bug affecting shields held in the offhand
- Inability to take off boots enchanted with souls speed when they lose their durability
- Bubble columns breaking when loaded from structure blocks
- Turtle eggs making an incorrect sound when placed in sand
- Editing interface failing to open when placing a sign on rooted dirt
Dear friends, these are the most important features representing the new beta version, but you can find out more detailed information about it by watching the clip trailer below the article.
Continue following our website and we promise to inform you about all the upcoming game versions as soon as they are released. Enjoy your time!
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