Minecraft PE
Last week’s beta version, that is Minecraft Bedrock, contained only six changes. This number was disappointing for many players, because, taking into account the importance of the upcoming Minecraft Bedrock 1.18, we are expecting numerous major changes in every beta. The version the Mojang team released this week, Minecraft Bedrock, is definitely more interesting, even if the game developers focused more on the technical issues. We will discuss only the changes that may be of interest to the players. So, are you ready?
New changes in Minecraft Bedrock
When you are ready, install this version to discover that:
- The previously waterlogged ruined portals that could be found under Swamps/Oceans are now spawning dry
- The range of freeze made when using the frost walker enchantment was reduced to 8 blocks
- The villagers cannot pick up more than 8 stacks of things at the same time
- Fire cannot be placed on top of a lightning rod anymore
- The animation of blocks in their process of falling is much better
- Copper blocks can oxidize in the Nether like they do in the rest of the dimensions
- Big dripleaves can’t be placed on top of certain blocks (for example grass, dirt, and others) anymore
- Emotes can be used in scaffolding
- Foxes/rabbits/villagers have a snow variant when spawning in all the mountain biomes
- In addition to other mountain biomes, goats also live in jagged peaks and in frozen peaks
- A deepslate layer replaces the earlier bedrock layer on upgraded old worlds
- Deepslate copper generates between the y=0 and y=6 levels
- Two music disks give off different redstone signals
The game developers also managed to fix a big number of bugs. The most serious ones were:
- Gamerule tntExplodes continuing to work when it is disabled
- Monster spawners failing to work in certain situations
- Iron Belly enchantment being unavailable
- Players getting hurt by their armor when this is enchanted with certain enchantments
- Foods failing to apply the required effects
- Water blocks flowing incorrectly
- Player movement being broken when respawning or when getting out of bed
- The correct amount of purchased coins updating only after the game is being relaunched
- Bows shaking continuously when held
This is all we wanted to tell you about this week’s release but you can find out more information by watching the clip trailer. You can see it under this article.
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