Minecraft PE
The Mojang Studio team continues to improve the experimental features, fix all the detected bugs, make technical updates and carry out vanilla parity changes. By installing Minecraft PE, your gaming experience will become even better because in our opinion, the game developers made a very good job this time.
Changes in Minecraft Bedrock
The frogs that are present in our MCPE worlds since the release of Minecraft PE as an experimental feature, continue to be updated with almost every newly developed version. By installing the present one, you will see that their jumping animations activate only when they have a target goal, that their size was adjusted, and that they can jump on lily pads and other small blocks properly when the player applies JumpToBlockGoal. Another good thing is that now you can breed and tempt frogs using slime balls. The tadpoles suffered a minor change too, namely their health level.
In the version released last week, that is Minecraft PE, we mentioned that the frog eggs have been renamed into frog spawns. Well, this time we have several changes done to improve them too. Starting with this beta, frog spawns break when:
- Pushed by pistons
- Source of water is being removed from underneath them
- Blocks fall on top of them
You should also know that you won’t be able to use command /fill to place them under the water or on the ground. Instead, now you can place them on waterlogged blocks.
Since we started with the experimental features, there is also a change that was done in relation to the goat horns. The game developers decided that from now on, they should have a cooldown period.
If you want to find out about the carried out fixes, continue reading. If not, just watch the video below this article, share the news about the release with your friends, and enjoy the new changes.
This time, the developers of the Mojang team fixed the following issues:
- Custom skins failing to save after the dressing room is left
- Mending Enchantment not working properly
- Drowned spawning in the wrong conditions compared to those from the Java edition
- Players failing to equip custom armor unless they want to equip them through their inventory or by using commands
- Impossibility to fill cauldrons using cauldrons located below flowing waters
- Create New World screen not remaining the same between play sessions
- A minor bug affecting the inventory screen on Pocket UI
- Several technical bugs.
Happily, all the above-listed problems won’t affect our gameplay anymore and this will give us the possibility to have a smoother Minecraft Bedrock experience.
If you want us to inform you about the upcoming game versions, subscribe to our website (in case you didn’t manage to do this until now). This will also give you the possibility to try a lot of cool free MCPE surprises. Enjoy your time!