Map Lance Ville 1.16
Our subscribers already had the chance to visit a lot of beautiful and interesting places, for example, Map Castle of Whiterock and Map Prehistoric Park, but these are themed venues and they may be interesting only for certain categories of people. Today, by installing Map Lance Ville, you will spawn in a city where there is something for every taste, either you like walking through busy urban jungles, resting on the beach, or exploring places full of mystery.
Features of map Lance Ville
The city you are going to visit by installing this map is divided into several parts, each of them being very interesting to explore. These are:
- The Prime District. Here you will discover a lot of modern buildings hosting hotels, gyms, offices, etc, but the most noticeable venue you will find here is the Mahalika International Airport.
- The Legacy District. This district represents the heart of the city. Here you will discover a museum, a school, a shopping mall, theme parks, a bank, a police department and much more.
- The South Peninsula District. This district is located in the southern part of Lance Ville and it contains mostly office buildings and hotels. Its most distinctive feature is the Philippine Space Agency.
- The East Grove Forest Reserve. Here is where you can rest from the city noise and enjoy nature. This part of the city represents a forest reservation protected by the state. Explore it and you may discover two amazing active volcanoes.
- The Military Base also known as Area 69. This is the most mysterious part of the city. It contains a military, a naval, and an air base. Moreover, there is an underground facility that is definitely a must-see.
Below you can see how lance Ville looks from above and its map.
If you are ready for a trip to this unique city, hurry and download the map by clicking on the button below this article, share it with your friends, and leave feedback.
Please mind that to be able to use this map and other downloadable surprises featured on our website, you should install one of the latest game versions. We recommend you try Minecraft PE because it is the freshest one and it contains many useful changes. Enjoy your time!
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